What is a Homeschool Support Group?

support group ladies wide

Homeschool support groups connect families to provide opportunities for social interaction, friendship, support, and mentorship. They can be anything from a few families that get together for playdates to formal organized groups offering classes, co-ops, field trips, sports, and meetings. Support groups also often function as the first line of defense against threats to the right and freedom to homeschool in a state. 

Support groups are usually formed around a common ideology or approach to home education. You can find religious and secular groups, groups that focus on formal education, unschoolers, subject-based groups, and more. Catholic families benefit from connecting with others in our household of faith. “So the, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith.” Galatians 6:10

Providing support, resources, connections, and wisdom to Catholic homeschooling parents 

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