Catholic Homeschooling in Texas
How to Homeschool in Texas
Texas law makes it easy to homeschool your children in the state. Compulsory school ages are 6-19 (or graduation/GED). There is no notification required to begin homeschooling in Texas.
The requirements to comply with the law are simple: teach your children the required subjects of math, reading, spelling, grammar, and good citizenship. Science and history are not statutory requirements, but are part of typical homeschool learning. To comply with the law, plan on using some form of written curriculum.
That’s it! There are no teacher qualifications, mandated assessment tests, or required immunizations.
Texas Education Agency Home School Information
This informational site was created by the Texas Education Agency and provides information about homeschooling in Texas.
How to Comply with Texas’s Homeschool Law
How to Withdraw Your Child from School in Texas
Special Education Provisions for Texas
The Importance of Recordkeeping in Texas
Lobbying & Advocacy Organizations
Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)
HSLDA is the nation’s largest homeschool advocacy organization. They protect the rights of homeschoolers in court, advocate for homeschool freedom in state legislatures, and work to advance homeschooling in the public arena.
Texas Home School Coalition
Texas Home School Coalition exists to encourage, equip, and advocate for homeschooling families in Texas. They support member families with legal assistance and interventions, and monitor and influence legislation that affects homeschooling in the state.
Catholic Homeschool Support Groups
Aquinas Homeschool Group of El Paso
El Paso, TX
This is a community of homeschooling families devoted to the Catholic faith. They plan homeschooling activities, social events, and support each other on their homeschool journey. They welcome families from any Catholic parish in and around El Paso, TX. Activities include field trips, park play dates, feast day celebrations, book clubs, and more.
ARCH – Apostolate of Roman Catholic Homeschoolers – Galveston-Houston
Galveston, Houston, TX
ARCH is a family-to-family homeschooling apostolate in the Houston and Galveston area. They offer graduation, liturgical celebrations, retreats, and other social events.
Ave Maria Catholic Homeschool Group
McKinney and surrounding areas: Anna, Melissa, Allen, Plano and Frisco, TX
This is a social group that lends support to each other while they homeschool their children. Activities include field trips, holy day activities, service projects, family events, back-to-school Mass, Baccalaureate Mass, dads and moms nights out, and more. They meet at St. Michael’s in McKinney.
Bay Area Catholic Homeschoolers (BACH)
Clear Lake, TX area, Pearland, Pasadena, Alvin, Santa Fe, Seabrook, Friendswood, League City, Webster, Nassau Bay, Sagemont
This is a Catholic homeschool support group. They meet for social activities throughout the year, including mom’s nights out, feast day celebrations and parties, teen activities, field trips, and service projects.
Bread of Life Homeschoolers
The Woodlands, TX and surrounding area
This homeschool group offers First Friday Mass, park days, mom’s night out, middle school virtue club, high school faith and fun events, and more.
Caritas Homeschool
Tomball, Magnolia, Cypress, TX
Caritas is a group of moms who homeschool in the Tomball, Magnolia, Cypress area. They offer social activities for local families.
Catholic Family Educators of Central Texas (CFECT)
Round Rock, TX, Central Texas region
Catholic Family Educators of Central Texas (CFECT) was established to provide information, support and training for Catholic homeschoolers in Central Texas; to promote private Catholic homeschooling as an outstanding educational opportunity; and to protect the God-given right of parents to direct the education and training of their children.
Catholic Homeschoolers – Dallas, TX
Dallas, TX
This group connects Catholic families interested in homeschooling their children in the Dallas, TX, area.
Catholic Homeschoolers of Dallas
Dallas, TX
This group shares homeschool information and offers activities such as field trips, curriculum sharing, buying and selling of books, and feast day celebrations in both Extraordinary and Ordinary forms.
Catholic Homeschoolers in Frisco
Frisco, TX
This group connects Catholic homeschoolers in north Texas. They meet once a month at St. Francis in Frisco.
Catholic Homeschooling Moms of Texas
State of Texas
This Facebook group seeks to connect Catholic homeschoolers in the state of Texas.
Catholic Park Days South Austin
South Austin, TX
This group organizes social events for Catholic homeschoolers in South Austin, Texas.
Child of God Homeschool Group
Tomball, Cypress, Pinehurst, Magnolia, and surrounding areas, TX
This Catholic homeschool group services homeschooling families with information and events. Activities include Mass day at St. Matthias Catholic Church in Magnolia, park days, field trips, group service project opportunities, holiday parties, field day, art show, and clubs.
DFW Catholic Homeschoolers
Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
This site connects the various homeschooling groups and families in Dallas-Ft Worth. This is an online community where you can share opportunities and find out about groups and events in the area.
EPC Catholic Homeschoolers
East Parker County, TX
This Facebook group connects Catholic homeschooling families in East Parker County for support and to plan academic and social activities together.
FISCHETeen – Families in Support of Catholic Home Education for Teens
Georgetown, Round Rock, Austin, TX
FISCHE Teen (Families In Support of Catholic Home Education for Teens) exists to provide a safe, healthy, teen community for Catholic homeschoolers that will promote personal, spiritual, and emotional growth. This group gathers every first Friday of the month to attend Mass, have lunch, and hear guest speakers, plus music, games and adoration. They also host one service project each month. Other events include dances, Bunco tournaments, bowling, ice cream socials, murder mystery parties, and more.
Fort Worth Catholic Homeschoolers
Fort Worth, TX
This group serves homeschooling families in and around the Fort Worth area. They plan field trips, mom’s nights out, and other family events.
Frisco/The Colony Catholic Homeschoolers
Frisco, The Colony, TX
This Catholic homeschool group serves families in the Frisco and The Colony areas of north Texas.
Holy Family Homeschoolers (HFH) of Greater Austin
Austin, TX
This is a group of Catholic homeschoolers in the greater Austin area. They support each other with information sharing, field trips, co-ops, curriculum advice, and park days.
Holy Family Homeschool Support Group
West Houston area, Texas
This is a support group of Catholic homeschooling parents primarily in the west Houston area (north and south of I-10 west). Members coordinate activities, including science museum classes, group field trips, park mornings, summer reading challenges, and more. They also offer a co-op.
Holy Hearts Catholic Homeschool Group
Tyler, TX
This homeschool group in the Diocese of Tyler meets on the first Friday of each month at the Chapel of Sts. Peter and Paul for Mass and social activities. They also sponsor various events and playdates throughout the year, including feast day celebrations and field trips.
Houston Catholic Home School Mamas
Houston, TX
This Facebook group offers a place for Catholic homeschooling moms to share information, events, and questions about homeschooling and their day-to-day education in the home.
Immaculate Mary Association for Teaching Children at Home (IMATCH)
Ft. Worth metro area, Johnson County, TX
IMATCH is a Catholic homeschooling group supporting the family in all stages of life in Johnson County, Texas, and surrounding areas south of Metro Ft. Worth. They are a full spectrum group that supports new mothers looking into homeschooling, families with homeschooling students, special needs students, homeschooling through high school and our graduated homeschoolers into their young adult lives.
Laude Catholic Co-op and Homeschool Ministry
San Antonio, TX
This homeschool groups offer an educational co-op and support for homeschoolers in the San Antonio region.
Mater Dei Homeschool Group (MDHSG)
Irving, TX
The MDHSG is a support group for Catholic homeschooling families made up of parishioners and friends of Mater Dei Traditional Latin Mass Parish in Irving, Texas. They provide regular opportunities for spiritual, social, and educational growth. Events include liturgical celebrations, field trips, mother’s monthly meetings, and educational opportunities. Parish group page.
NE Tarrant Park Days
NE Tarrant County, TX
Catholic homeschooling families gather once a week at a park in northeast Tarrant County for play and social time.
North Dallas Catholic Homeschool Group at St. Monica
Dallas, TX
This group connects Catholic families at Saint Monica Catholic parish in Dallas and from the surrounding area.
Plano Area Roman Catholic Homeschoolers
Plano, TX
Plano Area Roman Catholic Homeschoolers (PARCH) is a homeschooling support group and an official parish organization of St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church. Organized for purpose of facilitating information and support for Catholic homeschooling families, PARCH facilitates group communication, offers support meetings, curriculum informational sessions and homeschooling workshops, field trips, park days, and daily Mass attendance, along with seasonal activities and celebrations for Catholic homeschooling families.
Saint Anne Homeschoolers San Antonio
San Antonio, TX
This homeschool group offers support and information to homeschoolers in the area and the ability to connect with other nearby Catholic homeschooling families.
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Homeschool Group (SEASHSG)
Keller, TX and surrounding communities
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Homeschool Group (SEASHSG) is a network of families comprised of Catholic home educators of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton parish in Keller Texas and surrounding communities. They provide support for Catholic parents who are educating children at home, as well as offer resources to further their experience within the home and community. Activities include a co-op, field trips, parent support events, book clubs, field day, talent show, and feast day parties. message board.
Saint Newman Fellowship
Arlington, TX
This is a Catholic Charlotte Mason co-op based out of Saint Mary the Virgin Church in Arlington. They offer a weekly Oratory Co-op, weekly nature walks, bi-weekly family adoration, monthly Charlotte Mason reading group, and mother culture evenings. Academic co-op classes target ages 6 to 13, but the whole family is welcome at events.
Sacred Heart TORCH
Houston, TX
This is a homeschool group for Catholic families in the Houston area. They offer support, answer questions, and keep in touch via an online forum.
Seat of Wisdom Catholic Homeschoolers
Ellis County, TX
This is a Catholic homeschool support group located in Ellis County, TX (not a co-op). They get together for social, spiritual, and service events. They are open to Catholic homeschoolers in the area from any parish.
St. Anthony Homeschool Group
Wylie and surrounding areas, Dallas/Ft. Worth, DFW metroplex, TX
The St. Anthony Homeschool Group is a group of homeschooling families faithful to the Magisterium dedicated to home education. The group sponsors park days, homeschooling info sessions, seasonal/feast day events, adult meetings, and offers advice and recommendations to new homeschoolers. They are an official parish organization of St. Anthony Catholic Church in Wylie, TX.
St. John Bosco Homeschoolers
Round Rock, TX
This is a group of Catholic families in the Round Rock area who come together weekly for social events.
St. Joseph the Worker Homeschool Group
Tyler, TX
The St. Joseph the Worker Homeschool group is a support group of Catholic homeschooling families made up of parishioners and friends of the St. Joseph the Worker Traditional Latin Mass Parish in Tyler, TX. They have monthly sponsored activities, including monthly mothers meeting, liturgical, sporting, and educational events, weekly preschool events, a communication forum, and more.
St. Thomas Aquinas Home School Organization (STAHSO)
Dallas, TX
This group meets at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Dallas, TX. They offer support and activities throughout the year.
TEACH – Texas Association of Catholic Homeschoolers
State of Texas
This group works to connect Catholic homeschoolers and support groups in the state of Texas.
The Ark at St. Mark Homeschool Group and Co-op
Argyle, Denton, and surrounding areas, TX
This is a Catholic homeschool support group and co-op. They meet twice monthly and offer enrichment subjects such as art, music, and PE. They also offer support to families who are not participating in the co-op.
TORCH San Antonio
San Antonio, TX
TORCH San Antonio offers opportunities each month to meet, socialize, and support each other. They have a variety of fun, educational, spiritual, and cultural activities.
Waco Catholic Homeschoolers
Waco, TX
Waco Catholic Homeschoolers is an association of lay faithful, Roman Catholic homeschooling parents established to promote and support those families who are engaged in providing their children’s religious, academic, moral, cultural, and social formation. They offer activities for teens and tweens, feast day parties, field trips, mom’s night out, park days, and more.
Catholic Homeschool Co-ops
Caritas Christi Catholic Homeschool Co-op
Weatherford, Fort Worth, TX
The Caritas Christi Catholic Homeschool Co-op meets twice a month at St. Stephen Catholic Church in Weatherford. Students participate in a variety of educational and extracurricular activities. They aim to supplement the homeschool experience while building relationship with fellow Catholics in the southwest Fort Worth area.
Catholic Family Adventure Club
Tyler, TX
The Catholic Family Adventure Club is a social co-op that provides support and community to Catholic homeschooling families and those considering the vocation of homeschooling in the Tyler area of East Texas. They provide families with regular social engagement to develop and maintain relationships that support and encourage Catholic homeschooling. They offer monthly Mass, field trips, park dates, and liturgical events.
Children of Fatima Co-op
Irving, TX
The Children of Fatima co-op (CoF) is a cooperative of families devoted to the Traditional Latin Mass and serves families at Mater Dei Catholic Parish in Irving. The co-op day is centered around their Applied Learning curriculum and their Traditional Latin Mass Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. The Applied Learning program specializes in preparing older students for work in the trades and in giving all children experience in perennial human arts, including handicrafts, homesteading, and lost arts. These two programs combine to provide the children an atmosphere in which to learn and explore a variety of skills both related to the Catholic faith and to practical everyday needs. The students use the skills they learn to perform a variety of service projects for the church community at Mater Dei, as well as the larger community.
Classically Catholic Memory Co-op
Abilene, North Austin, South Austin, Fort Worth, Keller, Portland, The Woodlands
Classically Catholic Memory is a memory work program that is both Catholic and classical in nature. It is designed for children ages 5 through 12, and each year of the program provides 18 weeks of memory work in each subject. CCM is run as a co-op model.
Holy Family Homeschoolers (HFH) of Greater Austin
Austin, TX
This is a group of Catholic homeschoolers in the greater Austin area. They support each other with information sharing, field trips, co-ops, curriculum advice, and park days.
Holy Family Homeschool Support Group
West Houston area, Texas
This is a support group of Catholic homeschooling parents primarily in the west Houston area (north and south of I-10 west). Members coordinate activities, including science museum classes, group field trips, park mornings, summer reading challenges, and more. They also offer a co-op.
Holy Family Homeschoolers Co-op
West Houston area, Texas
This is a co-op affiliated with Holy Family Homeschool Support Group in Houston. They meet for classes at the Houston Museum of Natural Science once a month during the school year. Students are grouped by age and explore science, nature, and history in two interactive labs during the morning hours. In the afternoon, families can participate in special museum activities, such as exhibit tours, IMAX movies, or a planetarium visit. This co-op serves grades 1st through 12th.
Laude Catholic Co-op and Homeschool Ministry
San Antonio, TX
This homeschool groups offer an educational co-op and support for homeschoolers in the San Antonio region.
Mother Seton Homeschool Co-op
Houston, TX
Mother Seton Homeschool Co-op works to glorify God by bringing Catholic homeschool families together to encourage, educate, and equip children for living a Catholic-Christian life in the secular world. This co-op provides Catholic homeschooling families with a structured learning environment that cultivates fellowships, learning, and the application of life-learning skills. They offer enrichment classes and activities for Catholic homeschooling families in the Houston area.
Our Lady of Good Counsel Co-op
Fort Worth, TX
Our Lady of Good Counsel University Model Co-op assists home educators by providing a 6th-12th grade academic learning environment that is faithfully Catholic, as well as an opportunity for middle and high school students to form a solid community. Parents share the costs of experienced tutors. Classes meet once per week on Tuesdays with daily assignments provided. Weather permitting, Tuesday class days take place at a farm residence in north Fort Worth near the Fossil Creek area. Otherwise, OLGC meets at the St. Patrick Cathedral Religious Formation building in downtown Fort Worth.
Our Lady of Grace Classically Catholic Memory Co-op
Bedford, TX
This program serves students in elementary through high school. They offer classes and field tips and meet twice monthly.
Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool Academy
Corpus Christi, TX
Our Lady of Wisdom Academy is a hybrid homeschool co-op that offers in-person academic instruction by parent-teachers from a Catholic worldview. Course include science, composition, history, ASL, finance, and art.
Our Lady, Queen of Peace Homeschool Co-op
Abilene, TX
This Catholic homeschool co-op meets at Holy Family Catholic Church in Abilene for 10 weeks each semester. They offer classes and social opportunities for children of all ages. This is not a drop-off program. Courses include religion, science, writing, SAT prep, PE, and tutoring.
Queen of Saints Catholic Homeschool Co-op
Deer Park, TX
Queen of Saints Catholic Homeschool Co-op is a group of Catholic families who meet once per week at St. Hyacinth Catholic Church in Deer Park for academic and enrichment classes for their K-12 homeschooled children.
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Homeschool Group (SEASHSG)
Keller, TX and surrounding communities
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Homeschool Group (SEASHSG) is a network of families comprised of Catholic home educators of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton parish in Keller Texas and surrounding communities. They provide support for Catholic parents who are educating children at home, as well as offer resources to further their experience within the home and community. Activities include a co-op, field trips, parent support events, book clubs, field day, talent show, and feast day parties. message board.
Saint Newman Fellowship
Arlington, TX
This is a Catholic Charlotte Mason co-op based out of Saint Mary the Virgin Church in Arlington. They offer a weekly Oratory Co-op, weekly nature walks, bi-weekly family adoration, monthly Charlotte Mason reading group, and mother culture evenings. Academic co-op classes target ages 6 to 13, but the whole family is welcome at events.
St. Paul Institute Catholic Fine Arts Cooperative
Irving, TX
The St. Paul Institute Catholic Fine Arts Cooperative is a private program for grades 3-12. They offer students the opportunity to participate in theater productions of Shakespeare and other plays. Facebook page for St. Paul Institute Drama.
The Ark at St. Mark Homeschool Group and Co-op
Argyle, Denton, and surrounding areas, TX
This is a Catholic homeschool support group and co-op. They meet twice monthly and offer enrichment subjects such as art, music, and PE. They also offer support to families who are not participating in the co-op.
Do you know of any Catholic homeschool co-ops near you? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.
Hybrid Programs & Homeschool Academies
Ave Maria Homeschool Academy
San Antonio, TX
AMHA meets twice a week for classes and activities. They offer opportunities for peer interaction and an engaging learning experience.
Campion Hall
Montgomery, TX
Campion Hall is a one day per week educational initiative of Presentation of the Lord Catholic Church in Montgomery with the purpose of supplementing and enriching education for students who are either homeschooled or participate in hybrid learning. Open to kindergarten through seniors in high school, it is an a-la-carte program that allows families to augment their educational practices, and at the same time casts a Catholic vision of education alongside them. Parents choose which courses in which to enroll their children, and all students attend an age-level appropriate Catholic Culture class, with the older children taught by a priest. Classes are held Thursdays, with the day centered around the liturgical life of the parish.
Catholic Schoolhouse
Austin, Dripping Springs, Flower Mound, Frisco, Houston South, North Dallas, San Antonio, Tyler, Temple, TX
Catholic Schoolhouse is a supplemental program designed to help homeschool families enrich their educational experience through a flexible approach to learning inspired by classical elements presented in a structure environment. They serve students in grades K-8 and meet once a week during the school year.
Holy House Academy of The Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham
Houston, TX
The Holy House Academy is a home school enrichment that offers courses from Pre-K through 12th grades. They meet on Mondays and Wednesdays during the school year. Courses are challenging and grounded in a balance of faith and reason. Classes include art, music, Greek, Latin, science, math, literature, history, nature, philosophy, and more.
Montessori Pod
Irving, TX
This homeschool pod serves ages 3 to 9 in a multi-aged environment. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is the core of the program. This program is bilingual (English/Spanish) and offers an integrated indoor/outdoor environment.
Our Lady of Good Counsel Co-op
Fort Worth, TX
Our Lady of Good Counsel University Model Co-op assists home educators by providing a 6th-12th grade academic learning environment that is faithfully Catholic, as well as an opportunity for middle and high school students to form a solid community. Parents share the costs of experienced tutors. Classes meet once per week on Tuesdays with daily assignments provided. Weather permitting, Tuesday class days take place at a farm residence in north Fort Worth near the Fossil Creek area. Otherwise, OLGC meets at the St. Patrick Cathedral Religious Formation building in downtown Fort Worth.
Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool Academy
Corpus Christi, TX
Our Lady of Wisdom Academy is a hybrid homeschool co-op that offers in-person academic instruction by parent-teachers from a Catholic worldview. Course include science, composition, history, ASL, finance, and art.
Regina Caeli Hybrid Homeschool Program
Austin, Dallas, Dallas North, Houston, San Antonio
Regina Caeli is a homeschool hybrid model for grades pre-K through 12th grade. Parents are provided with an accredited classical curriculum. Students attend classes by grade level at their local campus centers on Mondays and Thursdays and follow the integrated curriculum at home during the remainder of the week. Campus classes are taught by tutors trained in the classical curriculum and the Socratic method to lead intentional discussion throughout the material working through the stages of grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Coursework includes reading, writing, Latin, mathematics, music, debate, and the visual arts, with opportunities for extracurricular activities and field trips.
Regina Mater
Austin, TX
Regina Mater serves Catholic families with children from preschool to high school through classroom instruction (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and half-day Fridays), guided curriculum for home, and evening faith formation for the whole family. They meet 30 weeks per year at Our Lady’s Maronite Church in Austin.
Do you know of any Catholic hybrid homeschool programs or homeschool academies near you? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.
Catholic Homeschool Conferences
Catholic Home Educators Collective Houston (CHECH)
University of St. Thomas
Houston, TX
February 22, 2025
More info coming soon!
The 2024 Catholic Homeschool Conference
Virtual Conference
June 7-8, 2024
Local Classes & Programs for Homeschoolers
University of St. Thomas Houston Dual Credit Program
Houston, TX
High school homeschool students can take college-level classes face-to-face at UST. Most courses are entry-level in areas such as math, history, English, economics, theology, and more. These courses are typically eligible for transfer to other colleges for credit.
Do you know of any great local classes or programs for Catholic homeschoolers? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.
Sports for Homeschoolers
Public School Access for Homeschoolers in Texas
Permission to participate in public school sports activities is at the discretion of individual schools and school districts. Policies vary from district to district. Contact your local school for information.
Do you know of any great sports programs for Catholic homeschoolers? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.
Diocese & Parish Resources
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Archdiocese of San Antonio
Diocese of Amarillo
Diocese of Austin
Diocese of Beaumont
Diocese of Brownsville
Diocese of Corpus Christi
Diocese of Dallas
Diocese of El Paso
Diocese of Fort Worth
Diocese of Laredo
Diocese of Lubbock
Diocese of San Angelo
Diocese of Tyler
Diocese of Victoria
Shrines & Pilgrimages in Texas
Basilica of the Little Flower
San Antonio, TX
Dedicated in 1931 as a shrine to St. Thérèse of Lisieux, the “Little Flower,” the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower began as Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St. Thérèse Church, under the direction of Spanish Discalced Carmelite friars who came to San Antonio in 1926 by way of Torreon, Mexico. Little Flower Basilica was built during the Great Depression, following the 1925 canonization of St. Thérèse. The Basilica is still under the direction of the Discalced Carmelite friars of the Province of St. Thérèse, and it stands today as a monument to the great faith of the devotees of St. Thérèse. Little Flower’s notable size, beauty, and spiritual significance led to the Shrine’s placement on the National Register of Historic Places and its elevation to the status of Minor Basilica within the Catholic Church, both in 1998. It is a center of spiritual and apostolic activity. You can visit for Mass, First Friday Adoration, confessions, Heritage Tours, lectures & workshops, cultural events, and more! They also offer private tours for groups.
El Camino de San Antonio Missions
San Antonio, TX
Pilgrimage is growing along the El Camino de San Antonio Missions Trail where you can experience the sacred through four eighteenth century Spanish Missions and the oldest functioning Cathedral in Texas. San Antonio is the only place outside Europe that you can officially begin walking the El Camino de Santiago. The Padre Margil Pilgrimage Center is a great starting point.
Do you know of any Catholic pilgrimage sites or shrines that would be perfect for a homeschool field trip? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.
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