St. Maximilian Kolbe Quotations

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“For Jesus Christ, I am prepared to suffer more still.”

“The Cross is the school of love.”

“Don’t ever forget to love.”

“If angels could be jealous of men, they would be so for one reason: Holy Communion.”

“Let us not forget that Jesus not only suffered, but also rose in glory. So too, we go to the glory of the Resurrection by way of suffering and the Cross.”

“Let us remember that love lives through sacrifice and is nourished by giving…Without sacrifice there is no love.”

“Be a Catholic: When you kneel before an altar, do it in such a way that others may be able to recognize that you know before whom you kneel.”

“Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did.”

“If anyone does not wish to have Mary Immaculate for his Mother, he will not have Christ for his Brother.”

“Do not forget that holiness consists not in extraordinary actions, but in performing your duties towards God, yourself, and others well.”

“Courage, my sons. Don’t you see that we are leaving on a mission? They pay our fare in the bargain. What a piece of good luck! The thing to do now is to pray well in order to win as many souls as possible. [Said when he was first arrested.]

“In order that obedience be supernatural it must not proceed from reason, but from faith.”

“For a book from which to learn how to grow in the love of God, there is no better book than Jesus Christ crucified.”

“But grace, for ourselves and for others, is obtained by humble prayer, by mortification, and by fidelity in the accomplishment of our own ordinary duties, including the simplest ones.”

“Christian perfection consists in the union of our will with the will of God.”

“The human heart is too large to be filled with money, sensuality, or the smoke of glory, which is illusory, even if it stuns. It desires a higher, limitless and eternally lasting good. But this good is only God.”

“The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers.”

“For a book from which to learn how to grow in the love of God, there is no better book than Jesus Christ crucified.”

“Authentic love rises above the creature and immerses itself in God: in him, and through him he loves everyone,
good and bad, friends and enemies. A hand full of love reaches out to everyone, pray for everyone, suffer for everyone, wish everyone good, wish happiness for everyone, since it is God who wants it!”

“Hatred divides, separates and destroys, while on the contrary love unites, gives peace and builds. Nothing strange, therefore, that only love can always make men perfect. Therefore, only that religion which teaches the love of God and neighbor can perfect men.”

More Ways to Celebrate the Feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe

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