7 Reasons Why You Should Attend a Homeschool Conference

attend a homeschool conference

One of the things that makes homeschooling fun is attending a homeschool convention. When you attend a homeschool conference, you can connect with your homeschooling friends, meet new people, hear engaging speakers, get ideas and resources, browse through curriculum, and just get uplifted, engaged and ready to jump back into a new school year. There is a vibrant energy at a homeschool conference. It is encouraging to see hundreds or thousands of parents who have chosen home education and to realize that you are part of a larger freedom and education movement. 

1. Figure Out If Homeschooling is Right for You

Attending a homeschool convention gives you the opportunity to listen and learn more about homeschooling. If you haven’t made a decision to homeschool and are still debating whether it’s right for you, being at a conference will help you get a feel for what’s available all at once. You can listen to speakers, hear about different homeschool philosophies and methods, look at what curriculum is available, and meet homeschoolers, both new and veteran. Don’t be surprised if you leave the conference ready to jump right in!

2. Meet Other Homeschooling Folks

Let’s face it. Homeschoolers are in the minority in American society. And when you are spending your social time with other homeschooling families in small groups, it may be easy to forget that there are still millions of American families making this educational choice. So, it is amazing to see so many people at a homeschool convention. The in-person opportunities for connection at a homeschool convention can’t be beat. You are sure to run into old friends, but also get to engage with other homeschooling families. If the conference has a teen track, then your high school students can meet others like them. When you’re not in the mainstream, it is always nice to meet others who are taking this alternative route along with you. 

3. Get Everything You Need to Start Home Education as a New Homeschooler

It can feel hard to start homeschooling . . . Where do I get homeschool curriculum? How do I meet other homeschoolers? Can I really teach my own children? And so many more questions. At a homeschool convention, you can get all your questions answered! Most conferences have workshops or even a separate track for new homeschoolers. Learn about the legal requirements for homeschooling in your state. You’ll hear from veteran homeschoolers and can meet mentor moms who can steer you in the right direction. You’ll learn about local support groups and co-ops and other social groups or classes. Figure out what type of homeschooling method will work for you children’s learning styles. And you get to dig in, hands-on, to the wide variety of curriculum materials so you can find what fits your family best. 

4. Transition Into a New Stage of Homeschooling

Homeschool conferences have resources for new homeschoolers. But they also offer support, resources, and mentorship for veteran homeschoolers who are transitioning into a new stage of homeschooling. This could be a family that has teens who are starting high school, older kids who are coming back home from public or private school, or a family that has a change in circumstances. Perhaps a parent has started a part-time job, a new baby has arrived, or an elderly relative has moved into the home. At a homeschool convention, you will be able to connect with others who have also dealt with challenging situations and can offer support and advice. 

5. Take a Hands-On Look at Homeschool Curriculum

Most homeschool conventions offer a vendor hall or curriculum fair. This lets you look through books, compare offerings, and even get some good deals. Many vendors will have conference discounts when you place your curriculum orders at the conference. You will also encounter homeschool materials such as manipulatives, video programs, science equipment, and other fun and useful educational tools. 

6. Buy or Sell Some Discounted Curriculum, Books, and Materials

In addition to the discounts on new curriculum, the conference you attend may offer a used book sale. Homeschoolers can bring their used curriculum to sell, typically at a significant discount. You can even score some never-used books or materials. If you have a lot of homeschool books and materials that you no longer need or use, you can sell to an eager and invested community. This is much easier than trying to sell individual items. 

7. Get a Mood Boost and Combat Burnout

Let’s face it—by the time you come to the end of your school year, you can feel tired, burned out, and ready to be done. After all, you’ve spent a year doing the good work of homeschooling. The thought of having to do it all again may feel daunting. Going to a homeschool conference is a great cure for any homeschooling fatigue you have. You’ll get to meet up with old friends, get fresh new ideas for teaching all those subjects, and can restock your homeschool materials. You’re sure to learn something new, whether it’s a trick to help a struggling learner, how to better incorporate your Catholic faith into your homeschooling, or discover more social opportunities for your teens. 

Providing support, resources, connections, and wisdom to Catholic homeschooling parents 

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