Lent Crafts & Activities

lent 40 days

Every February, my heart begins to crave the season of Lent. For 40 days, we are called to reflection and devotions. Lent is a beautiful season that unites us to Christ through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. These Lenten crafts for kids let your children participate in the season, helping them pray for others and teaching them about the practice of penance. 

Lent Crafts

Lenten Finger Puppets
These printable Lenten finger puppets from Catholic Sprouts can be made out of paper or felt. Finger puppet characters include: Jesus, Peter, Judas, Suffering Jesus, Simon of Cyrene, Mary, Pilate, Christ on the Cross, The Good Thief, Veronica, Roman Soldier, Risen Christ. You can find the printable pdf here. 

This is a great activity to pair with a reading of the Stations of the Cross for Children. One of our favorite is the Stations of the Cross for Kids by Regina Doman and illustrated by Christopher Lewis. As you pray the Stations, your children can act out each one using these creative finger puppets. 

Lent for Catholic Kids

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