How to Start Homeschooling

8 Steps to Launch Your Catholic Homeschool

how to start homeschooling

Embarking on your homeschool journey may seem daunting. But don’t worry—you can do it! You know your children best and can offer them the opportunity to learn in the best way possible for them. If you’re wondering how to start homeschooling your Catholic family, you’ve come to the right place!

More and more people are homeschooling every year. For the Catholic family, homeschooling is not just a way to teach your children reading, writing, history, and math. It is a lifestyle that encourages trust in God, growth in virtue, and a way to integrate your children’s education with our Catholic faith and practices.

Ready to get started homeschooling? These steps lay out a path to begin your family’s homeschooling life.

Discover your child's learning style

Everyone learns differently. One of the wonderful things about homeschooling is that you are able to tailor your homeschooling method, materials, and rhythm to your child's specific learning style and interests. Learning more about different learning styles may also help you discover how you learn and how you'd like to teach your children. Explore the four temperaments and how they relate to learning styles. With this understanding, you and your children can find peace and joy in learning.

Develop your family's homeschool environment and rhythm

Contrary to popular belief, most homeschoolers do not conduct their learning days in a room set up with desks all facing the same way with a big whiteboard at the front. Homeschoolers learn at the kitchen table, on the couch, in the car, and outdoors. Sometimes there are little ones playing nearby, there are activities outside of the home, and daily household life to live. Learn how to foster a good learning environment and a rhythm to your homeschool days to make you more successful.

Love and enjoy each other as you learn and grow together

Homeschooling, at its core, is an exercise in love and joy. Learning alongside your children, meeting their needs, and enjoying each other's company is the true blessing of homeschooling. As you learn together, you will connect with the truth, beauty, and goodness of God's creation. Your family can grow closer through homeschooling. It also allows you to fully live your Catholic faith in your home and as you encounter the world around you.

Providing support, resources, connections, and wisdom to Catholic homeschooling parents 

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