Why Homeschool?

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Homeschooling is a joy! But it’s not right for everyone. How do you know if Catholic homeschooling is right for your family? When making your decision, you should think about more than just math and spelling. Catholic parents are concerned about passing on the Catholic faith, creating a Catholic home culture, and helping their children know, love, and serve God. Catholic homeschooling recognizes the eternal nature of raising children and the primacy of the family unit. 

Check out these links to articles to learn about the advantages and the pros and cons of homeschooling. Explore the big decision: should you homeschool? When is homeschooling not the best choice? Get the data and statistics that reveal how homeschoolers can succeed. Overcome your fear of lack of socialization or criticism from family and society. 

The Catholic Church recognizes that parents are the primary educators of their children. Homeschooling allows you to determine what your children are learning. You can offer your children the opportunity to learn at their own pace and to explore their interests fully. You can integrate learning about the world around them with learning about God and his plan for them. Homeschooling allows you to focus on the formation of both mind and soul. 

Subsidiarity Christ Taking Leave of the Apostles

The Principle of Subsidiarity

The Principle of SubsidiarityKolbe Academy, a Catholic homeschool curriculum provider, explains the principle of subsidiarity and how it incorporates this principle into its framework.  Solidarity

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Providing support, resources, connections, and wisdom to Catholic homeschooling parents 

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