Homeschool Socialization

socialization featured image 3 kids boys girl headphones flipped

I really dislike the word “socialization.” It is most often used by critics of homeschooling and implies that there is a whole programmed component of education missing. But what they call “socialization,” we just call living, and it happens organically in our homeschool.

It’s a common myth that homeschooled children spend all day indoor, sitting at desks in their basements and hardly seeing other people. Anyone who’s homeschooled for any length of time can tell you that this is pretty much never the case. In fact, I used to secretly wish I could spend more time at home. With six kids in a variety of activities, I sometimes felt like I was in the car more than at home. 

Catholic homeschoolers have so many opportunities to offer their children socialization. And it is true socialization, not segregated by grade level like in a school. Our children meet and interact with children and adults of all ages. 

But it’s not always easy! Between sports, and co-op programs, and daily Mass, and art classes, and music lessons, and community college classes (whew! … you get the idea!), you still need to balance their learning at home and much-needed downtime for both kids and mom. 

Providing support, resources, connections, and wisdom to Catholic homeschooling parents 

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