Testing for the Catholic Homeschooler
The homeschool laws in many states require some sort of standardized testing to abide by home education statutes in the state. In general, most states that require testing will accept most nationally standardized tests.Â
Even if testing and submission of scores is not required, many parents may want to know how their children compare to standardized scores or whether there are area of deficiency. Standardized tests can give a general overall picture, but parents should remember that standardized testing doesn’t capture much of a child’s abilities in non-academic skills such as the arts, music, public speaking, etc.
What Standardized Tests Can You Use?
- Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS)
- Classic Learning Test (CLT)
- California Achievement Test (CAT)
- Metropolitan Achievement Test (MAT)
- Science Research Associates
- Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT)
- Stanford Achievement Test (SAT–not the college entrance exam)
- Terra Nova Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills (CTBS)
- Peabody Individual Test
- Woodcock Johnson Revised Tests of Achievement
Where to Obtain Standardized Testing Materials
- CAT E/Survey (California Achievement Test)
- Iowa Assessments Form E
- TerraNova 2 CAT/6
- SAT 10 Online (Stanford Achievement Test)
- CLT10
- CLT8
- CTBS TerraNova
- TerraNova 2 CAT/6
- CAT/5 Complete Battery (California Achievement Test)
- TerraNova 2 CAT/6
- Woodcock-Johnson III (NU) Tests of Achievement
Check Your State Requirements
Not all states require assessments. If your state does require testing, it may not necessarily accept any test. Your state regulations may require a specific test in order to comply with any testing requirements. Check out the laws in your state for more information about what testing is required and what test can fulfill this requirement. Usually, anyone can administer these tests.Â