Catholic Homeschooling in New York
How to Homeschool in New York
There are several steps you must take in order to comply with the laws governing home education in the state of New York:
1. Submit a notice of intent annually.
2. Submit an Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP) each school year. This includes information about your child, a list of syllabi and curriculum, and the instructor’s name.
3. Comply with attendance requirements and teach the required subjects.
4. File quarterly reports.
5. Conduct an annual assessment.
New York State Education Department Home Instruction Information
This information page summarizes the home instruction regulations and includes a list of answers to common questions.
New York City Department of Education Home School Information
This is an overview of homeschooling in the state of New York provided by the New York City Department of Education.
How to Comply with New York’s Homeschool Law
How to Withdraw Your Child from School in New York
Special Education Provisions for New York
The Importance of Recordkeeping in New York
Lobbying & Advocacy Organizations
Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)
HSLDA is the nation’s largest homeschool advocacy organization. They protect the rights of homeschoolers in court, advocate for homeschool freedom in state legislatures, and work to advance homeschooling in the public arena.
Loving Education at Home (LEAH) – Homeschool New York
Homeschool New York is a Christian statewide organization dedicated to supporting and promoting home education throughout New York State. They support a statewide network of local chapters by and for home educating parents. They also monitor and advocate with the New York State Legislature and the State Education Department regarding developments on home education policy and regulations.
Catholic Homeschool Support Groups
Catholic Homeschool Moms of the Catskills
Southeastern New York State, Catskills region, Upper Hudson Valley area
This Facebook group connects Catholic homeschooling moms and families in the Catskills/Upper Hudson Valley area.
Children of Mary Homeschoolers
Western New York, Diocese of Buffalo, NY
This is a Catholic homeschool support group located in western New York State. Members have the opportunity to learn, play, and pray together. Parents plan spiritual, academic, and social events for the children and to assist one another in the unique apostolate of home education. Activities include May Crowning, opening picnic and Mass, youth group, feast day celebrations, field trips, and a formal graduation ceremony at the end of the school year.
Seton Catholic Homeschoolers
Capital District area of Upstate New York
This is a Roman Catholic group that serves home educating families in the Capital District area of Upstate New York. They offer social opportunities and information and support.
St. Monica’s Homeschoolers
Orange County, NY
Saint Monica’s Homeschoolers is a Catholic homeschooling group based in Orange County, New York. The promote and encourage Catholic family life by providing a support group for families who educate their children at home. They offer opportunities for field trips relating to religion, art, music, history, and science, social events, and other activities.
St. Thomas Aquinas Homeschoolers of the Rochester Area
Rochester, NY
St. Thomas Aquinas Homeschoolers of the Rochester Area is a group of over 60 families in Upstate New York who provide support and encouragement to one another. Members use a broad range of approaches, including umbrella schools like MODG, Seton, and Kolbe Academy; Catholic curricula programs like Catholic Heritage Curriculum; the Montessori and Charlotte Mason methods; classical curricula, completely eclectic programs, and unschooling. They welcome families who are just starting to consider homeschooling, whether they have babies or high school students.
Terra Bona Family
Danbury, CT area (Bridgeport, Hartford, and New York Dioceses)
Terra Bona is a “family of families,” specifically Catholic homeschooling families who seek fellowship with other Catholic homeschooling families. They offer events and activities, including dances, field trips, Lego camp, recitals, Little Flowers, bible study, and more.
Catholic Homeschool Co-ops
Agnus Dei Catholic Homeschool Cooperative
Youngstown, NY
Agnus Dei co-op is a group of Catholic homeschooling parents who join forces to offer an in-class enrichment educational environment for learning with other children. They meet weekly during the school year at St. Bernard’s Roman Catholic Church in Youngstown and serve students in grades pre-K through high school.
Classically Catholic Memory Co-op
Rochester and Westchester County, NY
Classically Catholic Memory is a memory work program that is both Catholic and classical in nature. It is designed for children ages 5 through 12, and each year of the program provides 18 weeks of memory work in each subject. CCM is run as a co-op model.
Colm Cille Club
Pelham, NY
Colm Cille Club is a classical Catholic homeschooling cooperative based in Pelham, NY. They offer an educational environment that allows for memorization, choir, hands-on art and science projects, writing, theater, history, and catechism. They serve students in grades preschool through 8th grade. They meet once a week at St. Catharine’s School in Pelham.
Divine Mercy Homeschool Co-op
Brooklyn, NY
Divine Mercy Parish, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, sponsors an independent homeschool co-operative. They meet one day a week and serve students in grades 1st -12th. Offerings include academic and extracurricular classes.
Guardian Angel Center
St. Aloysius Gonzaga Roman Catholic Parish, Cheektowaga, NY
Guardian Angel Center was founded in the early 2000s. This Roman Catholic homeschooling co-op offers classes for grades pre-K through 12th grade. They meet once a week on Tuesdays at St. Aloysius Gonzaga Roman Catholic Parish in Cheektowaga, NY. They serve homeschooling families in the Western New York region, offering Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, history, writing, literature, science, Mock Trial, martial arts, and more!
The School of Two Hearts
Cheektowaga, Buffalo, NY, Erie County
The School of Two Hearts is a homeschool co-op in the Roman Catholic tradition. Students meet multiple times a week for in-class learning. Subjects include reading, writing, math, science, humanities, art, music, PE, photography, entrepreneurship, public speaking, graphic design, geography, etiquette, and more.
Do you know of any Catholic homeschool co-ops near you? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.
Hybrid Programs & Homeschool Academies
Catholic Schoolhouse
Long Island, NY
Catholic Schoolhouse is a supplemental program designed to help homeschool families enrich their educational experience through a flexible approach to learning inspired by classical elements presented in a structure environment. They serve students in grades K-8 and meet once a week during the school year.
Hillside Program
Glen Cove, NY
Hillside Program is a Catholic home school community that meets once a week to instruct children in the Catholic classical tradition. The program serves students in grades K through high school. Classes include Latin, religious studies, music, science, literature, history, with additional opportunities for field trips and group service projects.
Holy Family Learning Center
West Seneca, NY
HFLC collaborates with homeschool families as they homeschool their children. They offer classes in grades PK through high school with a 2-morning-per-week core program and electives offered on an a la carte basis.
Do you know of any Catholic hybrid homeschool programs or homeschool academies near you? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.
Catholic Homeschool Conferences
The 2024 Catholic Homeschool Conference
Virtual Conference
June 7-8, 2024
Long Island Homeschool Conference
St. Roccos Pl, Glen Cove, NY
2024 Date TBD
This is the first annual Long Island Homeschool Conference for Catholic families. Listen to speakers, hear special panels, browse the vendors, and find new homeschool materials and curriculum at the book swap! Featured speakers include Alice Gunther, Annabelle Moseley, Jessica Schaefer, and Margaret Gallipeau.
Local Classes & Programs for Homeschoolers
Do you know of any great local classes or programs for Catholic homeschoolers? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.
Sports for Homeschoolers
Public School Access for Homeschoolers in New York
An appellate court ruled against homeschoolers who sought access to public school interscholastic sports. The Commissioner of Education’s Regulations pertaining to interscholastic athletic competitions requires that students in grades 9–12 must be a “bona fide student, enrolled during the first 15 days of such semester, is registered in the equivalent of three regular courses, is meeting the physical education requirement, and has been in regular attendance 80 percent of the school time…” to be eligible for interscholastic competition in public school sports.
Do you know of any great sports programs for Catholic homeschoolers? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.
Shrines & Pilgrimages in New York
Do you know of any Catholic pilgrimage sites or shrines that would be perfect for a homeschool field trip? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.
Field Trips in New York
Catholic Home Schooling: A Handbook for Parents
A Little Way of Homeschooling: Thirteen Families Discover Catholic Unschooling
Catholic Education: Homeward Bound - Useful Guide to Catholic Home Schooling
We and Our Children: How to Make a Catholic Home
Prayer Journal for Catholic Homeschooling Moms: A 52-week Guided Devotional with...
A Plan for Joy in the Home: A Workbook on Organizing Your Day for Homeschooling ...
The School of Jesus Crucified: The Lessons of Calvary in Daily Catholic Life
ROSE&PAPER A Catholic Homeschooling Mother's Daily Planner - Aqua: Plan...
The Case for Catholic Education: Why Parents, Teachers, and Politicians Should R...
ROSE&PAPER A Catholic Homeschooling Mother's Daily Planner - White: Pla...