Catholic Homeschooling in New Hampshire
How to Homeschool in New Hampshire
Follow these guidelines to ensure you are in compliance with the laws regulating home education in New Hampshire:
1. File an initial notice of intent to homeschool with the commissioner of education, public school superintendent, or principal of a non-public school.Â
2. Teach the required subjects, including science, math, language, government, history, health, reading, writing, spelling, history of New Hampshire, art, and music.Â
3. Maintain records, including a reading log, worksheets, workbooks, and other materials.Â
4. Conduct an annual evaluation of your child.Â
5. Notify the education department if you graduate your child before the age of 18.Â
New Hampshire Department of Education Home School Information
This information page provided by the New Hampshire Department of Education provides details about the laws regulating home education in New Hampshire along with some resources for homeschooling parents.
How to Comply with New Hampshire’s Homeschool Law
How to Withdraw Your Child from School in New Hampshire
Special Education Provisions for New Hampshire
The Importance of Recordkeeping in New Hampshire
Lobbying & Advocacy Organizations
Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)
HSLDA is the nation’s largest homeschool advocacy organization. They protect the rights of homeschoolers in court, advocate for homeschool freedom in state legislatures, and work to advance homeschooling in the public arena.Â
New Hampshire Homeschooling Coalition
This state-wide organization supports homeschooling families in New Hampshire with information, events, group activities, and advocacy at the state level for homeschool rights.Â
Catholic Homeschool Support Groups
Catholic Homeschoolers in Massachusetts East (CHIME)
Eastern Massachusetts, southern New Hampshire, Rhode Island
CHIME is a group of faithful Catholic homeschooling families who live in eastern Massachusetts, southern New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. They offer support, academic and spiritual activities, field trips, classes, and clubs for members.
Catholics United for Home Education (CUHE-NH)
New Hampshire
This group serves to connect homeschoolers in New Hampshire, encourage and support Catholic parents who educate their children at home, and protect the rights of parents. They offer field trips, outdoor activities, social events, co-ops, gym time, curriculum ideas and fairs, and homeschool Masses. They also lobby for issues affecting homeschoolers in Concord and keep members up to date on New Hampshire homeschool bills and changes in law. Catholics United for Home Education (CUHENH)
Saint Kathryn Homeschool Group
Hudson, NH
The Saint Kathryn Homeschool Group is a ministry of Saint Katherine Parish in Hudson. They are a group of Catholic homeschooling families who strive to support each other in faith, family lives, and efforts to educate their children. They meet frequently for field trips, academic fairs, spiritual activities, social and other events.Â
Southern New Hampshire and Northern Massachusetts
This is a group for communication and support among Catholic home educators in southern New Hampshire and northern Massachusetts.Â
Catholic Homeschool Co-ops
Catholics United for Home Education (CUHE-NH)
New Hampshire
This group serves to connect homeschoolers in New Hampshire, encourage and support Catholic parents who educate their children at home, and protect the rights of parents. They offer field trips, outdoor activities, social events, co-ops, gym time, curriculum ideas and fairs, and homeschool Masses. They also lobby for issues affecting homeschoolers in Concord and keep members up to date on New Hampshire homeschool bills and changes in law. Catholics United for Home Education (CUHENH)
Classically Catholic Memory Co-op
Nashua and Rochester, NH
Classically Catholic Memory is a memory work program that is both Catholic and classical in nature. It is designed for children ages 5 through 12, and each year of the program provides 18 weeks of memory work in each subject. CCM is run as a co-op model.
Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Homeschool Co-op
Southern New Hampshire, Northern Massachusetts
This group of Catholic families in the southern NH and northern MA area come together once a week for 28 weeks to share talents in the homeschooling of their children. The program serves children from toddler age through 12th grade in a variety of subjects, including religion, history, science, yearbook, drama, art, Little Flowers, and building club.Â
Do you know of any Catholic homeschool co-ops near you? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.Â
Hybrid Programs & Homeschool Academies
Catholic Schoolhouse
Franklin, Somersworth, NH
Catholic Schoolhouse is a supplemental program designed to help homeschool families enrich their educational experience through a flexible approach to learning inspired by classical elements presented in a structure environment. They serve students in grades K-8 and meet once a week during the school year.Â
Regina Caeli Northern Massachusetts
Haverhill, MA, Northern Massachusetts, Southern New Hampshire
This homeschool hybrid program serves students preK through 12th grade with a combination of at-home learning and classroom time. Tutors use a classical education model and the Socratic method in the classroom. There are also opportunities for drama, art, and other extracurricular activities.
Do you know of any Catholic hybrid homeschool programs or homeschool academies near you? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.Â
Catholic Homeschool Conferences
The 2024 Catholic Homeschool Conference
Virtual Conference
June 7-8, 2024
Long Island Homeschool Conference
St. Roccos Pl, Glen Cove, NY
2024 Date TBD
This is the first annual Long Island Homeschool Conference for Catholic families. Listen to speakers, hear special panels, browse the vendors, and find new homeschool materials and curriculum at the book swap! Featured speakers include Alice Gunther, Annabelle Moseley, Jessica Schaefer, and Margaret Gallipeau.
Local Classes & Programs for Homeschoolers
Do you know of any great local classes or programs for Catholic homeschoolers? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.Â
Sports for Homeschoolers
Public School Access for Homeschoolers in New Hampshire
Homeschooled students are eligible to participate in public school athletics in New Hampshire. There may be eligibility or reporting requirements.Â
Do you know of any great sports programs for Catholic homeschoolers? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.
Shrines & Pilgrimages in New Hampshire
Do you know of any Catholic pilgrimage sites or shrines that would be perfect for a homeschool field trip? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.Â
Field Trips in New Hampshire
A Little Way of Homeschooling: Thirteen Families Discover Catholic Unschooling
Catholic Education: Homeward Bound - Useful Guide to Catholic Home Schooling
We and Our Children: How to Make a Catholic Home
Prayer Journal for Catholic Homeschooling Moms: A 52-week Guided Devotional with...
The School of Jesus Crucified: The Lessons of Calvary in Daily Catholic Life
A Plan for Joy in the Home: A Workbook on Organizing Your Day for Homeschooling ...
Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum: A Guide to Catholic Home Education
The Case for Catholic Education: Why Parents, Teachers, and Politicians Should R...
ROSE&PAPER A Catholic Homeschooling Mother's Daily Planner - Aqua: Plan...
Monuments, Marvels, and Miracles: A Traveler's Guide to Catholic America